Prayer Email archive:
        (10/10/2000) a time to laugh
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: a time to laugh

[Ecclesiastes 3:4,5a]
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to
mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather
stones together;

When I was a high school student, I used to dread
preparing for exams. Then one of my friends told me
that it is better to toil now and relax later ... then
to relax now and to regret later. That was an
important lesson.

Sometimes it is with our lives. It is better to weep
now and to laugh later than to laugh now and weep
later, it is better to mourn now and dance later than
to dance now and mourn later. The reason why we can do
that because we know and we know that ...

[Romans 8:28]
And we know that all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose.

As I said earlier, God intends every trial to be a
progression in our walk with God if we allow God to
heal us and to build us. I also believe that in order
for us to laugh and to dance, we need to let go and to
cast away stones first before we can gather stones
together. We need to learn to let go and move on
before we can gather what God has in store for our
lives. And praise God that by now we should know that
our present situation is not our final situation.

2. New prayer requests:
i. Prayer for Emily -- hearts
Emily is in 2nd grade & part of my Sunday school
class. About a week ago, she woke up in a seizure. Her
dad said that one side of her little face looked
drawn. They took her to the doctor to have tests run.
They called this week with the results & are
concerned. They want to follow up with an mri as soon
as possible. Please, please, pray for her. She has
never had any past ailments, & this has seemed to come
out of nowhere. Pray for her parents also, that they
may have the strength to come through this.

ii. father & daughter: relationship restored -- guest
In January 1998, my mother of 72 years old passed
away. My mother was a wonderful lady full of
compassion & kindness, she was a Christian mother of 8
children. My father & her were married for 56 years.
After my mother passed away- i fulfilled her wish, she
desired that i look after my father who is 81, so i
gave up my home, & me & my children moved in with my
father. He welcomed us with open arms, however after
only 2-3 months of my mother's death, my father became
very verbal & mentally abusive to my children. Up
until this day. I am still waiting on the Lord to fix
this situation. As I think about leaving for the best
interest of me & my children my heart aches with pain,
I don't want to leave however, the verbal abuse is too
much for me to bear. I need prayer so that God may
reveal his will for me in this situation. Also for God
to restore the relationship between me & my father, so
it may edify God.

iii. special needs for special people -- guest
Pray for strength to reach the children. I am ready to
do what God has ordained me to do. I need his strength
& ability to do a job "well done." I have been working
with children for a long time now & desire to be a
bright light to those who are in need & that God will
bless my life & allow me to travel to some orphanages
this year. Pray for friends, family, & all my
kindergarten students & their families. Pray God will
bless me with more & more love to know & understand
all the people that I listed above. Pray especially
for a friend's salvation & desire to serve God.

iv. prayer for husband's salvation -- guest
My husband George & I have been married almost 34
years. I always thought we would die & go to heaven
together. He is living with another woman 17 years
younger than him. Please pray for his salvation & the
restoration of our marriage & family? I know that
prayer to our Lord is the answer. Thanks.

v. Healing for my body -- christiandeb
I suffer from a rare neurological disease that causes
my white cells to increase dramatically & I am covered
with lyphomas. This thing causes extreme fatigue & I
would like you all to pray as it is a cyclic thing & I
am believing for the cycle to be totally broken this
time & that this cursed thing will never return.
(waihun: there is also an update on the site. Daphne
also found out that she has kidney infection and she
only has one kidney. Please pray)

vi. New job -- gmles
Yesterday I left the position that I held for twelve
years. I am starting a new job on October 16. Please
pray that I am able to serve the Lord as well as
provide for my family's economic needs. Also, pray
that DL be called for another interview that should
come through this week.

3. Number of prayer warriors: 478
We welcome lsmith, lifeinchrist73, johnmark, mandy,
ridgewood, rick carlson, chicog, cindy garrett,
angel23, jackie and dettie into our prayer group.

Two emails became invalid.

in Christ,
Tuesday, October 10, 2000 12:54:11 AM   waihun
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