Prayer Email archive:
        (09/06/2000) He is faithful
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: He is faithful

I've read many verses in the Bible about us cleaving
to the Lord, but there are times when we are so
exhausted and in the midst of our trials or our
situation, we feel like giving it all up. This is the
time when we need to stop relying on our strength to
cleave to Him, but to rely on His faithfulness to us
to carry us through the storm.

[Psalm 36:5]
Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy
faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

My pastor has been telling us a story about Bill
Wilson. Bill Wilson spent part of his life
evangelising in the slums and he got himself beaten up
and physically abused. At one time, he got too
exhausted and one of his eyes was getting blinded from
all the abuse and he just packed his bag and told God
that he was quitting the ministry. At that very same
time, he received a breakthrough. God reached out His
hand and healed him.

A few weeks ago, I opened my cupboard and found a card
by my ex who said he would love me forever. It was
never fulfilled. I am not putting all the blame on him
but sometimes, we think too that God will not fulfill
His Word to us and we give up because we do not
believe that God will deliver us.

[Numbers 23:19]
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son
of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall
he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make
it good?

God has promised us His faithfulness and He has said
that His plans for us is for good and not for evil
[Jeremiah 29:11-14]. Even when we have exhausted our
strength, we know that He will never let us go and we
can depend on His faithfulness and press on with His
supernatural strength. At times when we cannot carry
on anymore, ask God for His supernatural strength. He
has promised in His Word that He will carry you.

2. New prayer requests:
i. Renew my spirit -- kimbee
I do not know where to begin with this prayer request,
I have been experiencing an empty place in my soul for
a while now. I am a Christian, who believes that Jesus
Christ has died for my sins, cleansed & forgiven.
There was a time that I was truly on "fire" for the
Lord, & felt as though I could conquer all things
through Christ who strengthened me. I still believe
this, but the fire has faded, I find myself unsure. I
have almost no desire to attend church services. The
odd thing is nothing tragic has happened between there
& here to bring about these changes. I do still go to
church because my husband & my kids still go, but I
can't seem to concentrate & listen when I am there. I
don't have answers, I try to live my life according to
God's Word, I do not swear, do not get drunk, do not
do drugs & I try and love all that God brings into my
path. I feel weary though & I wonder if the Holy
Spirit has been working in me or if I have been
working in me. I do not know how to separate the two.
I do not feel as though I over due the good works
deal. I depend on God's sovereign grace to see me
through this life on a daily basis, knowing that I am
a sinner. My husband is suffering spiritually too & I
sometimes wonder if this is what is making me suffer
so. He is irritable often, seems unhappy & stressed on
life in general. I do not have the answers there
either. I guess I am asking for prayer that I would
"wake" up to our Lord's hand on my life, that I would
have that assurance that He is in control, that he
would heal my husband of whatever it is that is
causing his spiritual life to be dead & mine as well.
I pray that the kids (2) would learn to love the Lord
their God with all their hearts, souls, & minds,
despite the struggles that I am experiencing. I pray
that whoever reads, their prayers would send healing
into me & my family's life.

ii. A deeper walk with God -- guest
My desire is that I walk so close to God that just as
Peter did by casting a shadow, I would see healing
come to my neighbourhood. So many times I can become
distracted & too busy & I know that I must commit even
more. So please pray, I desire so much to walk this
close walk & I know there is a price to pay. Pray I
will be strong & committed to prayer like never before

iii. New baby -- christiandeb
Please pray with me for the safe arrival of my
daughter's (Kathie) new baby. She has one daughter, but she
lost two babies last year. One was still born the
other she miscarried.

iv. Pray for a brother in Christ -- tampa613
Pray for John. He is a wonderful young man of God. He
is a praise & worship leader & the enemy is trying to
come against him. He went to the doctor because of
some knots & now the doctors are saying that word
"cancer". Our church is believing & standing on the
Word of God [Isaiah] "By His Stripes We Are Healed"
PTL!! So far the reports have been good, but his white
blood cell count is down. Pray for God's peace & joy
for him & his girlfriend Katie. They just recently
started attending Lee College in Tennesee, so all
their friends & family are up here.

3. Prayer update:
i. Update on Pam's father -- godprayser
The latest news is that Pam's dad is doing fine. He
got out of the operation & the success of the
operation has yet to be determined until the operation
wounds heal, but every now & then he goes for a
check-up to insure the healing procedure of the
wounds. PTL for His mercy & His grace for guiding
the doctors & for comforting the family. Thanks for
praying & trusting the results to our gracious
Almighty Father...

4. Number of prayer warriors: 403
We welcome pumpkin, stars98, wilson, amaleski,
y0ur4ng31, orgfarmer, lin47, kourtney, rick and
robin_skaria into our prayer group.

Two emails exceeded quota and have been removed.

in Christ,
Wednesday, September 06, 2000 1:44:31 PM   waihun
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