Prayer Email archive:
        (07/04/2000) sensitive to His voice
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: sensitive to His voice

[Habakkuk 1:2]
O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!
even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not

Sometimes we cry or shriek or yell for an answer from
God. What should we do when we do not know the answer
and we want to be sensitive to God?

We discussed in the past on the right attitude to
hearing God's voice and then the ways that God speaks
to us. My pastor also gave a message on how to develop
sensitivity to God's voice. I call it the five Ws.

1st W: Withdraw

[Habakkuk 2:1]
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower,
and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and
what I shall answer when I am reproved.

What did Habakkuk do after all the shrieking or
yelling? He withdrew. He stood upon his watchtower,
just like Jesus used to withdraw to the mountain to
spend time with God. Sometimes what we need to do is
just to stop screaming and learn to withdraw, to get
away and get alone with God.

[Habakkuk 2:1a] The NIV version says
"I will stand at my watch and station myself on the

Let us learn to get away and spend time with God. Yes,
I talked about praying without ceasing by being
conscious of God but we should set aside time to
withdraw and station ourselves on the ramparts and
hear what he has to say to us.

2. New prayer requests:
i. Pray for Braedon -- white dove
(waihun: this is an excerpt)
Braedon is a 20-month-old baby boy in Clinton, South
Carolina. A few weeks ago his parents took him to
Laurens County Hospital with doublepneumonia (both
. The next night he was transferred to
Greenville Memorial Pediatric ICU in critical
condition. He is in a "coma-like" state and on a
respirator battling viral pneumonia. The doctors are
perplexed by the type of viral pneumonia he is
fighting. There is a hole in his lung that may require
surgery. Braedon, has recently taken a turn for the
worse. His blood pressure is extremely high, leading
the doctors to think he is having seizures or strokes.
He now has 18 chest tubes and lots of scar tissue
building in his lungs. The right lung has no healthy
tissue at all but at this point he would not survive a
lung transplant. He is still on life support. The
family appreciates all your prayers.

ii. Marriage/divorce -- alon
Please, pray for me. I filed for divorce on june
26,00. I am having a difficult time with the decision.
I need intervention from my Lord. I can not live with
his lifestyle anylonger but love him. It is difficult.

3. Prayer update:
i. healing for cancer -- alon
Dale (Glen is his real name) has had surgery and 95%
of the tumour has been removed. It looks good for him.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Alon

4. Number of prayer warriors: 276
We welcome jbrusca, wic, boricuan_judo, relivjb,
buffy108, bp_vks, debbie4_13 and ruth into our prayer

One email has become invalid.
in Christ,
Tuesday, July 04, 2000 9:20:05 AM   waihun

changed on Tuesday, July 04, 2000 9:20:39 AM

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