Prayer Email archive:
        (10/24/2000) controlling our thoughts
Hello prayer warriors,

1. Prayer note: controlling our thoughts

[2 Corinthians 10:3-5]
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after
the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge
of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ;

Many times we do not realise this, but we are warring
against our thoughts. Against thoughts that tell us we
are good for nothing, we are finished, there is no
hope, or that we should fear, etc. What does the Bible
say? We are to bring EVERY thought into captivity.
Yes, it is a war. How do we start bringing our
thoughts into captivity and into alignment to the Word
of God?

We start by saying the right things. This is a
spiritual principle. What we can say, we can believe
and what we can believe we can see. It is not the
other way round ... what we can see, we can believe
and what we can believe, we can say. That's how the
world sees things but it should not be how we look at
the world.

[Matthew 4:4]
Jesus answered, "It is written: `Man does not live on
bread alone, but on every word that comes from the
mouth of God.' "

What do you live on? If you live on the physical, you
will reap the physical. If you live on what God says
over your life, you will reap the fruit of what God
says over your life.

So, how do we start taking into captivity our thoughts
and bringing them to the obedience of Christ? We start
by confessing His Word over our lives and
personalizing them over our circumstances. For
example, if we lack courage, confess [Joshua 1:9] over
our lives.

[Joshua 1:9]
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do
not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD
your God will be with you wherever you go."

But instead of reading Joshua 1:9 as it is,
personalize it and say "God has commanded me to be
strong and courageous. I am not terrified or
discouraged for God is with me wherever I go".

Speak to your mountain, be it fear, discouragement,
etc. This is what Jesus tells us to do.

[Mark 11:23]
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall SAY
unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast
into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but
shall BELIEVE that those things which he SAITH shall
come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he SAITH.

Take hold of your thoughts by taking hold of your
tongue first. Change your WORDS. Even if it is
difficult to believe at first, we need to proclaim and
personalize the Word and soon we will realize that
what we can say, we can believe and what we believe,
we can see.

2. New prayer requests:
i. Pray for my incarcerated brother -- tweetybug
His name is Victor & he is only 21 & he is saved. He
just got caught up in the wrong friends & was trying
to protect his friend & ended up killing a man. The
devil really tried to break our family when he got 25
to life. We are working on his appeal right now & are
just waiting on the Lord. Just pray in agreement with
my family & that His will be done. Danielle

ii. Mark Hayman -- guest
Mark Hayman is a man who has helped a countless number
of veterans deal with post traumatic stress disorder.
Now Mark is dealing with a prelukemia desease & needs
a bone marrow transplant. Many people are praying for
Mark. He contributed to the emotional healing of so
many, now through prayer we can help him.

iii. Dangerously close to the edge -- nadine
Pray with me for my brother Darren. He & his wife are
going through marital problems - moreover, Darren is
battling with something we can't understand. It is
consuming him & he has become threatening & violent
towards his wife. He was saved 5 years ago but has
been slipping for about a year & a half now and it has
got to the stage where I fear for his life, & for his
wife & childrens' lives. On top of this, they are in a
lot of financial trouble & Darren refuses to seek
counselling. Aside from the practical issues (it has
come to the stage where there has to be intervention
of a practical nature)
, I know the only one who can
truly rectify this situation is the Lord.

iv. need prayers desperately -- debski
Please pray for my sister-in-law & our family. Cathy
is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She has been
caring for her mother Eleanor, who is not in good
health & her physically & mentally challanged sister,
Ginny. Unfortunately my husband, Walt & I are 3000
miles away & cannot be of much help physically. Please
pray that Cathy lets go & lets God take control. She
says she is Christian but hasn't learned quite yet how
to give it all to God. Pray God gives her comfort,
strength & courage to fight for her sanity. She is
scared & afraid, but doesn't know of what.

3. Prayer update:
i. continue to pray for promotion -- guest
They are currently in the decesion making process, as
I type this request in regards to giving a pay
increase/promotion. It has been three years since I
have had an increase. I am claiming the Victory!!

4. Update on site:
The web-hosting company told us that they no longer
support our database: Visual FoxPro & says that the
recent changes may be due to increase in traffic or
database on our site. I've registered with the new
web-hosting company on Saturday, but they have yet to
reply with a configuration letter. It's been two
working days ... I hope they reply soon. If they can
reply soon, I should be able to set everything up in a
week. Continue to pray and thanks for the letters.

5. Number of prayer warriors: 502
One has unsubscribed.

O Lord unite us and let us grow together,
Monday, October 30, 2000 6:39:18 PM   waihun
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