Prayer Email archive:
        (04/04/2000) Faith in?
hello prayer warriors,

1. prayer note: faith in?

[Hebrews 11:6]
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for
he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and
that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek

We've been talking a lot about faith lately. Faith in
what? Faith, not in ourselves, or in our abilities,
but faith in God. The scripture above says, for he
that comes to God must believe that He is...

That He is what?

When Moses first asked God for a name, (this is the
first instance of God giving us His name)
God said His
name is "I AM" [Exodus 3:14]. From this, the people
came out with the name YHWH, which combined with
ADONAI (the Lord), became JEHOVAH. Subsequently, He
revealed more to us about His name. What did He say
His name is?

He said I am Jehovah-Jireh meaning (I am the Lord who
will provide)
. He said I am Jehovah-Repheka (I am the
Lord your healer)
. He said I am Jehovah-Nissi (I am
the Lord your banner or your conqueror)
. He said I am
Jehovah-Shalom (I am the Lord your peace).

Can you believe that? Can you believe that He is and
He is everything that He has said Himself to be for
us? If you can, then you have faith in the living God
who does not lie and who reveals Himself to us even
through His names. This is one thing I do, when I lack
peace, I just call unto Him and I remind Him and I
call Him Jehovah-Shalom. I declare peace for myself
through His Name and I say that I believe that He is,
and He will surely reward me for my faith in who He

Want to learn more about the names of God, read the
book review below:

2. Prayer update
i. update on Gideon -- melissa
Yesterday morning I prayed and I totally released
Gideon and every thing to the Lord. This time I had a
screaming match with the right person, Satan. I took
back what he tried to steal from me and I told the
Lord that it is in his hands, not my will but thy will
be done. I meant it with every thing in me. I am
studying the word, watching videos, praising and
I believe God honored that prayer and he knew my heart
and knew that this time I truly did release every
thing unto him.
Yesterday Gideon became better, He is off of his blood
pressure med.
His oxygen is coming down and they are slowing working
to get him off the one machine. He looks so good, his
color is that of a regular new born.( Praise

A Joy came over me today, I was laughing and singing
with my kids. It was also a inner joy.
We know that God has every thing under his care.
There is still a lot of decisions we have to make and
things that we have to take care of such as our home
and the job but we know that God is going to open the
doors that needs to be open and close the doors that
need to be closed. Pray for wisdom in these areas.

3. Continue to pray for:
i. Salvation for lost loved ones -- I love Jesus
My sister is a Christian, but she has strayed away
from God. I don't think she is completely back-sliden,
but she needs prayer for strength and courage to get
her back in church again. My brother, sister-in-law,
and brother-in-law also need to be saved.

4. Number of prayer warriors: 106
We welcome fuzzyink, ripabva, hlove95, arsully,
sabrina27, hweyly, shala and comendine into our prayer

I have removed beth from the list as her email has
become invalid.

In Christ,
Tuesday, April 04, 2000 2:59:08 PM   waihun

changed on Tuesday, April 04, 2000 3:01:37 PM

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